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Picking Up Dog Poop Matters

Updated: Dec 25, 2020

Every dog owner is guilty of forgetting a bag and not being able to pick up their dog's waste. The rule of thumb is, if you have a bag at another time you'll pick up your dog's waste and another. Approximately 40% of dog-owners in America do not pick up after their pet.

Not only is it annoying to step in smelly dog poop, it is more than an inconvenience - there are legitimate dangers that result in leaving it in the lawn:

  • Poisons grass & lawns;

  • It carries hookworms, ringworms, tapeworms, & more;

  • Transmits human diseases;

  • It pollutes waterways and is in the same EPA category as oil and mine runoff.

The most common misconception is that dog poop is fertilizer. I mean we've had cow manure as an old-age and effective fertilizer how could it be any different than dogs. Simple - cows are herbivores and their poop is broken-down plant matter. When you leave dog doo in the yard it can poison the grass, contaminate fruits & veggies with harmful bacteria - even runoff can make your produce unsafe.

Dog poop does indeed carry worms. This means that if your dog comes in contact with dog poop with worm eggs laying on the ground, your dog can become vulnerable. It can carry the following human-infecting ailments:

  • Giardia;

  • Salmonella;

  • Leptospira;

  • E. Coli;

  • Parvovirus;

  • Roundworms (14% of Americans are infected with this);

  • Up to 23 million coliform bacteria per gram of poop.

Keep in mind that not picking up fresh poop because it will rain soon is much worse than letting it sit on a dry day. When rain washes over dog poop and flows into the drainage system, that contaminated water is carried into local waterways. Resulting in contaminated rivers, lakes, etc.

There are many different ways to dispose of it:

  • Use biodegradable bags and throw it in the trash;

  • Use grocery bag;

  • Flush it down the toilet;

  • Hire a poop-removal professional.

So the next time you go to the dog park or take your pup on a walk pick up after them and their fellow canine neighbors.

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